Yes. Often referred to as a Server-to-Server (S2S) Postback Tracking, this functionality transmits data to a specific URL provided by an affiliate whenever a commission is approved.
The system will send POST requests with the relevant data in JSON format.
As handling the Postback data typically requires coding experience, we unfortunately are only able to provide limited support for this feature. Some "no-code" alternatives include the Webhooks functionality in Slack or Zapier.
Please contact our affiliate team via email and provide your Postback URL to start using this feature today.
Sample Postback Data:
stdClass Object
[user] => stdClass Object
[event] => commission_approved
[affiliate_id] => youraffiliateid
[order_number] => 123456789
[commission_amount] => 25000
[sale_amount] => 5000
[sub_id] => xx
[tid1] => google
[tid2] => forex
[tid3] => red
[tid4] => 12
[currency] => JPY